"I don't mop up for anybody."

Monday, May 3, 2010

An Idea That Has Stuck Around...

Only Butlerites will appreciate this.

Everyone else: check out our other posts (to your right).

Recently, my friend Rob emailed me about the legend of “The Duct Tape Man.”

In a nutshell, Rob heard that “The Duct Tape Man” is secretly a millionaire.

At first, I doubted that. I mean, how many millionaires walk up and down New Castle Street in duct taped boots?

Apparently, maybe one.

Look, I don’t know if there’s any truth to the legend. But I do know that other people now celebrate his cutting edge style.

Maybe Payless Shoes and Famous Footwear got into a bidding war for his services.

Now I'm wondering if "Ten-Hut Tom" is also a closet millionaire....

UPDATE (5-4-2010): As you'll see in the "comments," KM worked with "TDTM" and has indicated that his income is on par with that of a social worker.

UPDATE 2 (5-4-2010): I just received an email from a friend that says while KM is correct about his income, TDTM is actually a millionaire. My friend didn't state whether TDTM is a millionaire from an inheritance, investments, the lottery, etc. He just told me I need to trust him.

(Clearly, he isn't aware of my trust issues. Bird can tell you about them. Just don't necessarily trust what he tells you.)


  1. From Chris M: "Rob is absolutely correct about Duct tape man. Millionaire. Ten Hut Tom is a Vietnam Vet who lost his Marbles in a VietCong prison camp when he was forced to play Russian roulette and pocket pool. I believe the Deer Hunter movie was made about him..."

  2. I heard Ten-Hut Tom spent too much time mud wrestling in the mercury saturated soils of Father Marinaro Park. Just a rumor, though.

  3. He is not a millionaire. I had the chance to work with him a few years ago in a mental health facility...his income is comparable to a social worker.

  4. Rob and Chris M, it sounds like Kelly has far better information than you two.

  5. I also know the reason for all of the duct tape...
    As for his investments-with the benefits he receives he wouldnt qualify for them with a huge stash of cash...he would have had to spend it down before receiving any govt benefits.

  6. what if he had all his cash in a box that was covered with duct tape? A lot of people still keep large sums of cash hidden instead of putting that money in the bank. Example "The Great" has about $2k hidden in the gazing ball in his front yard. Ooops!

  7. KM brings up another great point. Until someone can prove her wrong, she appears to be the most knowledgeable source on TDTM.

  8. I have fourteen gazing balls in my front yard. Good luck figuring out which one I hide my money in.

  9. Thanks ATG...u just announced that u r away so that will give me plenty of time to come and dig up your yard :)
    You know the duct tape is used to ward off any military intelligence device that can penetrate any object-this does include feet-to obtain any internal information...cotton balls work too-for the ear holes.
    I guess they found the colonial motel room he stayed in covered in aluminum foil, secured with duct tape...this helped to ease his extreme paranoia.
    I know all of the other stories are more fun to believe...but he is just your run of the mill paranoid schizophrenic.

  10. That's actually some awesome info. Thanks. But also remember...it's not paranoia if they're really after you.
