"I don't mop up for anybody."

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Caution: PED Crossing

Floyd Landis has finally admitted that he took performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) during the 2006 Tour De France. Actually, he admitted taking them for most of his cycling career. Always cycling...

Like many others before him, Landis is now accusing Lance Armstrong of abusing PEDs. Poor Lance. Seems like everyone is out to get him!

First, Greg LeMond wondered how clean Armstrong was back in 2004. In 2008, Armstrong strangely interrupted LeMond during a press conference about new testing procedures. LeMond's simply jealous.

In 2005, A French newspaper reported that Armstrong's 1999 urine samples were retested and found to contain illegal substances. Lance still disputes the findings. Science isn't perfect.

In June of 2007, David Walsh released a book accusing Armstrong of doping. Lance has made it known that he and Walsh don't get along. Ah ha! That explains why he wrote the book!

In March of 2009, the French anti-doping agency again levied accusations against Lance for violating the protocol for testing. When they showed up to randomly test him, Lance promptly took a shower and waited several minutes before submitting to the urine test (out of the tester's sight). When the pizza man shows up to deliver my pizza, I do the same thing before I give him his money. Uggh?

I don't know if Lance Armstrong cheated his way to 7 Tour De France titles.

Because unless you have video evidence--in Lance's world--you can't prove anything. If a video ever does surface,go ahead and assume it had to be professionally doctored...


  1. Doesn't it seem weird to you that most of the accusations are from the French who made it known they were not happy he was winning all those years in a row? Seems like they might have been the ones jealous. Not Greg Lemond.

    And other evidence was brought by non truth-teller Floyd Landis?

    I think you are the DOPE for convicting a guy through circumstantial evidence brought in by his biggest detractors. Lance Armstrong is an American hero.

  2. You should find another hero.

    I got one for you: That other athlete that miraculously got better and more powerful as he aged...Barry Bonds.

    There are plenty of others that have accused Armstrong of doping. Try doing some research. I only named a few. Oh, and they're not all French or "detractors."

    Where there is smoke, there's fire. In this case, it's more overwhelming than the smoke on top of a live volcano.

    P.S. Let's pitch in and pay for Lance to take a lie-detector test. If you think he'd pass one, then you truly are a DOPE.

  3. I'm a big L.A. fan and always have been and I admit he prob doped. Probably more evidence on Lance than O.J. and we all convicted O.J. Both are guilty. BUT BUT BUT all of the cyclists were doping so its not like he got an unfair advantage

  4. Agree. Everybody was doing it in cycling. Just like everyone was in baseball. The best were still the best. The PEDs just ramped up the level of competition.

  5. Oh, and everyone is and was doing it in the NFL. Just no on cares. Baseball and cycling athletes are the evil drug takers.

  6. Sounds like you think Lance doped. I'm with you guys, if they all did it--fine. Ain't my body.

    Something about arrogant lying bothers me, though. Don't worry, Lance, I haven't officially accused you of doping for about 10 years while on the tour. I'd never do such a thing.

